
We thank each of you for trying our products and ask that you please complete this short survey. Your personal information is secure and will not be shared with third party vendors of any kind.

An * in any fields means it is required before submitting the form.

Trial Survey
Product(s) Tested – Please select all that apply
Please tell us your age group
You are:
Body Type
Severity Scale – Please rate the seriousness of the condition
How long until you were fully healed?
Did you follow the instructions provided in their entirety?
Did you seek medical attention for any adverse reactions?
Would you recommend this product to friends and family?

We thank you for taking part in this short survey for our products.

Photos of your healing process with our products are always welcomed. Although this is not required of our testing candidates, it helps to determine the extent and affect of the injury and medication during the usage process.

Click the icon above to email us your photos!